Mobile Money for Resilience (MM4R)
At the end of 2017, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) launched the Mobile Money for Resilience (MM4R) initiative to improve the quality of life of Jordanians and refugees impacted by the Syrian crisis. Established as a permanent committee within the CBJ, MM4R aims to build the resilience of vulnerable populations by equipping them with the financial tools to withstand and recover from economic shocks.
MM4R was born out of two interrelated objectives: the drive to accelerate financial inclusion of unbanked and underserved populations through DFS and the need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian response programs.

2. Strengthen the Jordanian digital financial services ecosystem for greater inclusion and broad-based economic growth
3. Promote digital financial inclusion of refugees and low-income populations, providing them with the tools and resources to recover and rebuild from emergencies

2. Convening power and moral suasion
3. Domain (DFS) expertise and technical guidance
4. Grants
Mobile Money for Resilience (MM4R) Concept Note
Building resilience of refugees and host communities through digital financial inclusion
Application Templates
- Partnership & Cooperation Application Template
Concept Note Template for Partnership & Cooperation (PDF)
Concept Note Template for Partnership & Cooperation (DOC)
- Grants Application Template
Concept Note Template for Grants (PDF)
Concept Note Template for Grants (DOC)
MM4R News
The Central Bank of Jordan signs two grant agreements that aim to enhance financial inclusion under the Mobile Money for Resilience Initiative (MM4R)
The Central Bank of Jordan signs two agreements that aim to enhance financial inclusion under the Mobile Money for Resilience (MM4R) Initiative that is sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CBJ and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Launch New Mobile Money Initiative